Notes: 5.11.23 Meeting - B2C (E-Commerce Website) - B2B (Form Based Lead Gen Front) - B2B2C (Selling Digital Services - Form Based) - We have developed a SaaS website for onboarding distributors onto our proprietary tool, OptaHUB. The website offers various subscription plans.

Tarang Gosalia - organizer

Three Month Trial Period

1K base per month, 40% of profit, the leadership of the marketing team, full access to all content production (social media, blog, etc.) Question: Is this 40% of all now? Or are you going to say this only applies to clients we generate now on going forward?

40% of all clients that onboard once I am on board. And 40% of all new clients that onboard for their lifetime. The clock starts today.

Will sign NDA. Send over.

My address is 2112 Vails Gate Heights Drive, New Windsor, NY 12554

To that add a signup bonus of 1K. So send 2K over and we start.

I need immediate access to be able to post blog posts and all of your social media. I need access to your video editor person and uploader. Your ask is 250K MRR in 3 months, from the 70K MRR now. Doable.

Most of the closing of the deal should be automated. I bring in the traffic. The traffic is by definition qualified. There are clear calls to action each time. They come and they transact. Right on the website. Most of them don't need phone calls. But the large ones do.

Send 2K, (1K Sign Up Bonus, 1K base pay for month 1)
Bank: Capital One
Routing Number 031176110
Account Number 36043712596

NDA sent.

Give full access to all places for content, and all traffic data, all the analytics. And all people on your marketing team.

And let's start. Today. Tomorrow at most.

(1) Any business expense is yours. Say if I pay for an online service
for my marketing work. They are usually small, like less than $100.
(2) 40% of all new business volume. Old clients making repeat orders
will not be counted.
(3) 40% of the profit you said might be more like 20% of the sale price.

This is not a long term plan. He is big money, and old economy. Does not have that tech startup mindset. My Kajabi course is still my top priority. But this 1K base gives me immediate breathing room. I can pay rent. I can pay my phone bill.

Kajabi gameplan: one blog post every 15 mintues from 8 AM to 8 PM. Goal: 1M in earnings before 2023 is over.


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